Do you consider yourself spiritual?
If yes, you might really enjoy this one:
Steven Bancarz coins a few cute terms and does a great job giving them spin, to draw attention to some of the most common "Spiritually Transmitted Diseases", along with their symptoms and cures.
My favorite?
Fluffy-Bunny Syndrome
Symptoms Include: Willful ignorance, naivety, emotional and mental instability, fear, and delusion.
Cure: Those with Fluffy-Bunny Syndrome can be cured by facing the darkness, being honest with themselves, and using their tendency towards positivity to transmute the darkness into something new. By learning to face and accept parts of the inner and outer worlds that they don’t like, they will learn to turn their fear into positive action, instead of positive ignorance. Make the darkness conscious, and utilize it as fuel for your passion for positivity. [read more here]