It all boils down to ego and its constant need to be fed, as is brilliantly explained here by a former Buddhist monk:
Devil WorshipBy Zuli Masih...
There are many humans that seek Power, Wealth, and Fame..These are desires of the false self, otherwise known as the egoic consciousness.. They seek illusions instead of Reality..
This is the religion of Lucifer.....
Many leaders of this world belong to this church..This is why, there are continuous wars and famine..Lucifer demands human sacrifices for the sustenance of negative energy..
These misguided souls that follow this line of thinking and acting are trapped within materiality.. they can never be set Free as long as they follow this egoic and selfish path..
Lucifer is actually just a 'Thought Form' and exists as long as thought is projected to this form..Lucifer is part of the duality of good and bad..he is just part of the dream that we are experiencing..when We Awaken into Reality, Lucifer is no longer in existence..
In Reality, Unconditional Love , alone exists.. There is no room for the duality of evil and good..
This Love is called by many names, such as Divine Consciousness, non-ego, and the most popular name called God..
These humans that worship selfishness and evil will eventually Wake Up and Realize that they were fooled but this is often through the Long Path of reincarnation and continuous pain..
When they become tired of the continuous pain of existence without Love, and they finally realize that wealth, power, and fame are false happiness.
They will begin to follow the Path back to Reality and Freedom.