Seems like the Geller-monger is out to settle a personal vendetta against Islam, either that or she's so desperate for attention she'll do anything to get it. I just can't get around her lately, she seems to be popping up everywhere promoting Islam hate fests at all four corners of the USA.
ILLUME :: "Leaving Islam" Bus Ad Parodies "Why Islam" Campaign
Pamela Geller's bus campaign directs viewers to her latest website,
which, like all of Geller's work, is in desperate need of a spelling check.
She warns visitors not to discuss their concerns with friends and family
because the Quran 4:89 "calls for the murder of renegades from the faith."
She does not however mention that 4:90 makes exceptions for those people
seeking peace. It reads "if they withdraw from you, but fight you not, and offer
you peace, then God has opened no way for you to fight against them."
She must have missed that part.
To demonstrate the magnitude of the problem she sites the controversy
surrounding Rifqa Bary, about which there are numerous
insurmountable inconsistencies.
Geller claims that the ads are meant to provide resources for Muslims who are
fearful of leaving the faith, however, the website amounts to little more than a
hub of other anti-Muslim websites from other long defunct Anti-Muslim
Though the site proclaims "Call Us" there is no phone number. The only
resources actually offered are a handful of email addresses and the advice to
call the police.
Clearly the purpose of the program is only the ad itself, not any sincere
desire to help anyone.
Costing tens of thousands of dollars, donated by readers of her primary blog,
AtlasShrugs, the Leaving Islam bus ads have already appeared in Miami and New
York where they have been described as a "smoke screen for hatred." Muslims
asked to comment continue to echo the sentiment that faith held by coercion is
not faith at all.
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