One of my dear friends just alerted me to the fact that someone else is
Najia7 as a screenname to post stuff at
Of course I'm not at all happy with this.
Then I did a Google search and discovered that someone (maybe that same
person) is using Najia7 as a screenname all over the net and only started doing
this in recent months.
Of course I don't have a patent on the screenname, I'm sure there are
gazillions of Najias in this world, who also like to use the number 7 (yeah right), but still
I don't have to be pleased with this.
Actually it creeps me out a bit, I don't want to be credited or accused of
something I didn't do.
The only place I've ever used screenname Najia7 is on
Twitter and I even
Googled it before I started using it, but got no hits.
I'm thinking I should change my Twitter screenname and be done with
What would you do?
When I joined Twitter in may 2009, I discovered that screenname Myrtus and
Najia were already taken, but I wanted to keep it short and still identify
myself to those who know me somehow, so I went with Najia7.
Ever since I started using the Internet (since June 1999),
I've consistently used my first and/or last name Najia Arrihani
or the Latin translation of my last name Myrtus or
Najia Myrtus or Myrtus7 when posting or
signing up anywhere on the Internet. Myrtus7 was my very first
screenname. This is going to sound silly, but I picked the number 7 because I'm one of 7 sisters in my family. That was before I realized that 7 keeps showing up as a pattern in
significant events throughout my life, some of which weren't exactly lucky, but
I stuck with it nevertheless.
Hey I'm just a creature of habit when it comes to certain things.