Twitter is definitely a great
medium to share information and get one's point across, but do you
think people actually check the facts before they retransmit info that
happens to catch their eye in a split second on their Twitter home page?
Does anybody even click on the links to actually read the content they pass along in their retweets?
Do they question the source?
It is much easier to catch inconsistent information on a story if you
happen to follow people in a specific niche talking about the same
story and often adding their own slant, but what happens if you follow
people at random, sharing random info that gets passed along en masse?
Be careful people!
You could possibly become a sheep who blindly follows, a harmless fool, but a clueless tool...who maybe unknowingly helps
facilitate the spread of harmful information, lies, propaganda, please check your sources.
Here's an example on a story that keeps popping up with different slants however harmless. And I'm sure there is plenty more cases out there like this one or even worse.
*Google announced its plans for going solar to cut cost.
*Two different sources report on Google's new solar project.
*One source says Google will reduce its cost by 60%.
*Another source says Google could
reduce the cost by a quarter or more.
Exibit A:
Google's Custom Solar Technology Will Reduce Costs by 60%by Jerry James Stone, San Francisco, CA on 09.10.09
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google is disappointed with the lack of breakthrough investment ideas in the green technology sector but the company is working to develop its own new mirror technology that could reduce the cost of building solar thermal plants by a quarter or more.
It's worth noting that Treehugger mentions the 60% only in the title, but nowhere else in the content of its post or the sources it links to.
Many other (news) sources have reported on this story. I tried googling for Google's official press release, but couldn't find one.
Now here's a little sampling of how word gets around and things get lost in translation...
- GetSolar Google hopes to reduce cost of making #solar energy by at least 25%:
- KACOnewenergy RT @ThePhoenixSun: RT @solarafrica: RT @GetSolar Google hopes to reduce cost of making #solar energy by at least 25%:
- ecpeixoto Google's Custom Solar Technology Will Reduce Costs by 60%
- pplupo Google's Custom Solar Technology Will Reduce Costs by 60%
- djetch Google aims to halve the cost of solar power -