For people on Twitter who are getting sick and tired of spammers...
I recommend you start using Google Reader to follow only the people you're interested in/share whatever interest with and maximize the fun in your interaction.
Follow @googlereader for tips and tricks on how to use it or just google keywords: Google Reader Twitter for all kinds of tips on how others are making it work for them.
I don't get these people who keep jumping on the spamming bandwagon and ruining the social networking experience for others. With all the spam filters ever invented you'd think they realize by now that everybody hates spam, no?
They also should know by now that it is through one on one personal interaction that worthwhile relationships are built to help expand a network, whether personal or business. Potential sponsors/business partners are not interested in hyped up numbers that are heavily populated with fake profiles, they want to see real tangible results before they do business with you.
Telemarketers NO, I'm not talking about you! I don't want your personal interactions, so please stop calling me!