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Thanks for your support.
Update 3/13/08
Fouad Mourtada Committee sends...
Hi Najia,
BBC radio aired a program yesterday and they talked about Fouad Mourtada, by the occasion of the first international day of freedom of expression on the internet (organized by Reporters Sans Frontieres RSF).
Here is a link to the article:
-As you will read in the article, the moroccan government spokesperson, Mr Khalid Naciri, said that he finds Fouad's sentence excessive.
-Tahar Ben Jelloun, a famous moroccan writer who writes in french, said in a switzerland radio show, about Fouad's condamnation "it's ridiculous and scandalous"
-Sion Assidon, a huge moroccan intellectual (an ex prisoner of opinion who was also tortured in the past), said in a moroccan 2M TV show, that Fouad's sentence is excessive
-Letters were sent by associations and parties to moroccan ambassadors in Chile, Belgium (see website helpfouad.com) and in Canada (by Global Importune (http://www.globalimportune.org, letter not available online ) and in France (by a group of independent people, letter not available online)
Fouad's lawyer, Mr Ali Ammar, was told that the date of the appeal will be announced next week.
As of today, it's been 38 days that the prisoner of opinion Fouad Mourtada is incarcerated in jail Oukacha, Casablanca.
As for the international support, here are some statistics:
-About 93,000 citizens have visited the website www.helpfouad.com
-over 8,500 citizens have signed the petition to freeing Fouad http://www.helpfouad.com/7437/index.html
-over 5,300 citizens have joined the "Help Fouad Mourtada - Aidez Fouad Mourtada" facebook group
-Photos of Support are still pouring from all countries
http://www.flickr.com/photos/24156360@N07/Check www.helpfouad.com for more articles and information.
Thank you.
Committee of support for Fouad Mourtada
Comité de soutien à Fouad Mourtada