At the end of Mel Brook's comedy History of the World Part I, we are treated to such unusal scenes as 'Hitler on Ice' and 'Jews in Space' in the upcoming Part II of this movie. I have to wonder if Oliver Stone has decided to create his own short feature for this.
WorldNet Daily, yes I know they got an accuracy rating just shy of Debka, is reporting that Oliver Stone just might be in negotiations with Iran and Ahmadinejad to create a film about the controversial President of Iran. I wonder what the working title of this would be? 'Spring Time for Ahmadinejad?' Or 'Self Love?'
On a more serious note, if we believe this writer that is. The concept he has of Jesus with the coming of the Mahdi is interesting to say the least. Mainstream Chrisitan Bibles have Jesus, when He is offered up for cruxifiction, saying 'My kingdom is not of this world' and 'Would not my subjects be trying to free me;' which moves the concept of Christ's kingdom out of the material world. Here we have Shiite Muslims falling more into line with the Hebrews of Roman occupied Israel and Judah in expecting a militant Messiah coming to liberate them from the yoke of their wordly oppressors, in this case the Mahdi as Messiah and a Christ figure cast in the role of John the Baptist who was not worhty to tie the sandals of the Messiah.
To end on an irreverant and some would think sacriligious note, could there be a movie on the missing years of the 12th Iman? Something like 1100 Years Down the Well? Thank you Mel Brooks for writing such comedic masterpieces as The Producers, Young Frankenstein, and Blazing Saddles.