Controversies are surrounding Al Azhar after a fatwa was made by the head of Al Hadeth Section at Al Azhar University permitting women to breastfeeding adult males to avoid religious violation of men and women who are working together in close offices.
The fatwa that is being taught at the University couldn’t be tolerated or accepted by sane human beings. It is demeaning to women who could work in open and closed offices with respect and professionalism without violating the Islamic principles.
If such Fatwa could be accepted than there is no respect to women who are working to prove themselves and be active in societies.
Womengateway was established in 2002 as a joint venture project between the Bahrain Business Women’s Society and Al-Nadeem Information Technology. In 2003 it was re-launched as a bilingual portal designed to aid business women by providing them with information, business and trade opportunities with focus being on women’s issues and women empowerment in the region.
CAIRO (Reuters) - Cairo's al-Azhar Islamic University on Monday suspended a lecturer who suggested that men and women work colleagues could use symbolic breastfeeding to get around a religious ban on being alone together.